Otomax otic
Otomax otic

The presence of cerumen is normal and is mandatory for a physiological movement of microorganisms or foreign substances from the deep ear canal towards its external opening. In the external ear canal, cerumen influences the effective barrier function for the underlying cutaneous epithelium. The factors are classified as predisposing (increase the risk of otitis), primary (directly induce otitis), secondary (contribute to otitis only in an abnormal ear or in conjunction with predisposing factors), and perpetuating (result from inflammation and pathology in the ear, prevent resolution of otitis). It is a syndrome with a multifactorial aetiology. The present study demonstrates that there are significant differences in the diffusion characteristics and ceruminolytic properties of the eight tested otic preparations.Ĭanine otitis externa (OE) is one of the most common diseases in small animal practice. A mild ceruminolytic activity was observed for the two ear cleaners but not for any of the otic medications. All the other products exhibited a lower diffusion activity with a mild to moderate impregnation effect. The diffusion experiments showed a high diffusion efficacy along with a high impregnation effect for one test product. ResultsĬanine cerumen is mainly composed of triglycerides, sterol esters, fatty acid esters and squalene.

otomax otic

A second in-vitro experiment determined both the ceruminolytic activity and impregnation effect of the otic preparations by comparing the weight loss or weight gain after repeated incubation of JSL. The diffusion activities of the otic preparations through both types of synthetic cerumen were studied over 24 hours. A synthetic cerumen described in the literature (JSL) was also used for comparison as its lipid composition was different to SCC. These two marker compounds (Oil red O and marbofloxacin) were chosen, since they exhibit different physicochemical drug characteristics by which it is possible to determine and verify the diffusion activity of different types of liquids (i.e.

otomax otic

SCC was filled into capillary tubes, all of which were loaded with six commercially available multipurpose otic medications and two ear cleaners, each mixed with two markers in two experimental setups.

otomax otic

The main lipid classes of canine cerumen produced with moderate, non-purulent otitis externa were determined by thin layer chromatography and were subsequently used to produce a standardised synthetic cerumen (SCC). An in-vitro setup was established in order to determine a) the diffusion activities of eight otic preparations (Aurizon®, Eas Otic®, Epi Otic®, Otifree®, Otomax®, Panolog®, Posatex®, Surolan®) through synthetic cerumen, and b) the ceruminolytic capacity and impregnation effects of these products.

Otomax otic